change colors from image
Did you ever think to change Color of image in Photoshop? I bet you did. Photoshop color correction is part of photography retouching. Nevertheless, it’s high time you stop asking how to change color in Photoshop and start doing. Because in this following article, I have compiled the beginner definitive step-by-step guide on how to color change in Photoshop.
Table of Contents
The black and white times are gone. Now digital images look at their best form with colorful scenes, and without accurate colors from images, they will look dull and unattractive. So you may require to change color of image in Photoshop at any time, and to solve this issue, you must know what a color change in Photoshop is.
Well, when you get images with zero color accuracy. No doubt, you feel the importance of Photoshop Color replacement or Photoshop replace color. And you go for Photoshop color correction service where you use the image color changer to fix the colors.
You can use Photoshop change color of your photo and make it look impressive, even if you may require to change colors of multiple parts such as clothes, eye or skin tone. So, for now, less focus on how to change color in Photoshop and check out the following steps.
Because here I will be answering how to replace color in Photoshop using the color replacement tool Photoshop. And after that, you will be able to change not only the white background color of your image but also any parts of your image you want.
Let’s start today’s Step by step guide on how to change color in photoshop. Or Change background color in Photoshop tutorial by changing the color of clothes of your image. Before you ask, is it necessary to change the color of clothes? I want to remind you that you get multiple Color variations for the same product. So yes, of course you do need to change the color of clothes. Because shooting again and again for the same product for the sake of different color variations can be very costly.
Let’s get started with the first part of our today’s Photoshop color correction and replacement tutorial for clothes without further delay.
At first, open your clothing image in the Photoshop dashboard that you want to edit and change color in Photoshop. You can choose any apparel product photo with any color on it. But it would be great if your clothing color is solid rather than pattern or multi-Colored. To insert the image, all you have to do is open the Photoshop software and drag the image on the software’s dashboard. Or you can go to the menu bar on the top and click on File→ Open New File and select the image, then click OK.
This is a simple but important step that most of us ignore. We must create a duplicate layer of our original image in Photoshop before starting to edit. Or, whatever changes we will do on the image will be permanently on the original image. And, if anything goes wrong, we won’t be able to return from where we started, so our original file will get destroyed. Creating a duplicate layer is like a piece of cake. All you need is to go and choose Layer > Duplicate Layer. Or you can also select Duplicate Layer from the Layers panel More menu.
After creating the duplicate layer, name the duplicate layer, and click OK.
Now, we have to select the object that we want to replace color Photoshop. We know a couple of Photoshop methods for the selection process. Some of them are complex, and some of them are simple. The Photoshop pen tool is a professional tool. But a bit complex way of selecting your desired portion of an image and editing it however we want. It requires a lot of practice to master it.
You can check out and learn more about the selection processes of Photoshop from our previous article. For this article, we will select the Photoshop pen tool and create a clipping path around the cloth. Go and find the Pen Tool from the left Toolbar. Start creating paths around the edges.
In this step, We will create a clipping path for how to change color in photoshop. After we complete creating clipping paths around the edges, select the clipping path layer and separate it from the image. This will remove the portion we want to change image color will be visible to us
N.B: You can skip this step, but for beginners, I will suggest you do it, and when you become a pro, you can skip this as well.
We can change color of image in Photoshop by using the replace color method. Adjusting the hue and saturation method, or using both. Let’s start with the replace color method. To use the Photoshop color replacement tool, We need to go to the Menu bar at the top. And then click on Image Menu.
A dropdown list with options will come and from the list, select the Adjustment option. Don’t get overwhelmed by so many options and focus on the correct method.
When we are satisfied with our precise selection, now it’s time to change Color of image. There are two sections of option in the replace Color window, one is selection, and another one is the Replacement. In the Replacement section, click on the result box. This box indicates your selected area’s Color, so after clicking on the package. And we will get a color panel to choose the color.
After you select the Adjustment option, another list of options will be shown and from there, click Replace Color option. You will get a popup window when you select the Photoshop color replacement tool. Changes on the preview screen. Play with it for a while, and you will know what. From the window, we will get the chance to refine our selection more and then change colors from image.
So click on the area you want to change image color. You will get to see the area you choose turned white on the preview screen of the replace color window. If you want to refine your selection, change the value of the Fuzziness. Then you will see the number is best for your image.
This step is not compulsory, but if you want to make your Photoshop color replacement look professional. Then for better result, change saturation and lightness from the Replacement section.
If you have followed every step accurately, the image you have right now is the final output. I am sure we all have changed our clothes color successfully.
Pro Tip: You can also change colors of Photoshop backgrounds with this technique. Just select the background instead of the clothes and follow the same process by picking up the color you want to use for your background, and the image color changer process will change it for you.
If you want to change image color using the Hue/Saturation tool, all you need to do is complete step 4 from the previous method. You need to select the Adjustment Layer from the bottom of the Layer Panel.
From the list that will appear after selecting the adjustment layer, select the Hue/Saturation option. Then you should play with the hue and saturation window to find the right color for your product. This tools us also used for turn photo into line drawing.
Now click on the hand icon from the properties panel of the hue and saturation window. Now click on the hand icon from the properties panel of the hue and saturation window. After selecting the hand icon, your cursor will turn into an eyedropper. It will indicate that you are using the eyedropper tool in Photoshop.
Using this tool select the area you want to change colors from image. You should drag left or right of the hue and saturation slider and see the changes of the color.
Pick a suitable color for your clothing product and tweak the hue/saturation slider according to it. You can also change the lightness if you need. When you get the color you are looking for, by dragging the sliders. You keep them there and save your file immediately.
Using Photoshop, you can do the eye color change technique very quickly. By changing the eye color we can increase the beauty of our image. Especially photographers who work with newborn, portrait babies and international model agencies are more likely to use this technique.
Newborn baby photographers tend to retouch photos very carefully. Here they miss out on some small detail when they go for baby eye color change Which makes a huge impact on making the photos look outstanding. Photoshop technique for eye color change is different to change image color technique.
So let us know how to change eye color in Photoshop so that we don’t miss small details again.
For this image editing tutorial, we will use a high-end model photo to zoom in. And you will still get most of the detail intact.
So the first thing first, open your model eye photography image into the Photoshop dashboard. As we will change color of the eyes, the image we will select must be in a high-quality lossless format.
To insert the image in Photoshop, drag and drop the image on the software dashboard. Then your image will be ready to edit. You can also go for the typical way of inserting images in Photoshop from the menu bar. See step 1 of the previous tutorial of this article, for finding the manual method of inserting images in Photoshop.
Now we will select the eye area to change its Color, and to do that, and we have to select the object selection tool from the tool panel. We will use the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the object selection panel to select the iris part of our image. So after selecting the tool, we will start creating the selection by holding the spacebar. This will help us to reposition our selection later.
If your image doesn’t have the full circle of the eye area, then you have to reshape it after completing the selection.
Press Alt button for Windows or Option for mac Operating system and take the cursor on minus icon next to it, using which you can deselect the portion you want and reshape the curve. Zoom in to select every corner or miss minor details, resulting in a bad-looking image of yours, so if you don’t want to miss any detail, zoom in and select every detail that your image has.
Use Adjustment layer to how to change color in photoshop. After the selection, we will click on the new adjustment layer icon from the layers panel, and from that list, we will select the Hue/Saturation. Until now, we have worked on one eye, but we want to change the color of both eyes, so just repeat the same process for the other eye as well.
Set the background color white, and then we will fill the eye color with white color by pressing Ctrl Backspace (Windows) or Cmd Backspace (macOS). We are doing this because we will use Hue and Saturation to change the eye color. Now we will deselect our selection and go to the hue and saturation window.
To change the eye color, open hue saturation adjustment and control the color by changing hue and saturation sliders. To control the lightness of the color of the eye we can use the Lightness Slider but to get the best result we will use another separate adjustment layer.
Now we need to create a group where we will keep the both layers together so that when we change the hue and saturation it can affect both the layers and we get balanced color. Create a group, drag and drop the layers into the group. Add a level to the group and to do this click on the New Adjustment Layers icon and then select Levels and add it to the group as well.
This level will control and modify the brightness and contrast by allowing us to touch up on the drop shadow, making Midtone, creating Highlight, and the Output Level sliders to get the desired effect
As we created a group and put all the layer masks in it, now we can control all of them at once. Now let’s bring perfection to the layer masks because if you zoom in and see carefully, then you will notice that after coloring them using hue and saturation settings, the color might affect the eyelashes as well.
We will fix this by selecting the brush tool. Then select the Brush Tool and select the foreground color, if you want it as black. After that move the brush tool on the outside of the eye lens area. After we are satisfied with the painting using the brush tool now, we will press x on the keyboard, and the color of the background and foreground will switch. Paint again after the foreground color is white, and the area will come under the layer mask again.
In this step, we will colorize the feature for how to change color in photoshop. This is not a compulsory step to do, but it will help us to get a more vibrant color because when we check the box of Colorize, then changes become universal. This means when we were sliding down the hue slider, it was affecting only the eye natural color.
Put a checkmark on Colorizing in the properties, and we will be able to make the changes on the entire layer. So first, using the Colorize settings, put a specific color on the entire pupil and then use the hue slider to control it.
If you have what you wanted, then save it, and you will get a Colored eye. You tweak a bit and play with the settings and practice more and more to become an expert on this. So, with the help of this easy and fast trick, you can change eye color in Photoshop.
In this Photoshop tutorial segment, How to change color in photoshop to model photography. We will try to change the skin tone colors in Photoshop. Using this technique we can also bring neutral skin tone if it lacks in the image. color correcting service is necessary to extend background in photoshop. Without doing any delay let’s get started.
In the first step as usual open your model photography images in Photoshop. You will find both the shortcuts and the manual way of inserting images in Photoshop using the above techniques. So go, see and do according to it.
After inserting the image do one more thing which is to create a duplicate layer of your main image file to avoid any miss post-processing problem. To create the duplicate layer drag your original layer in the layer panel one the Create New Layer icon right at the bottom of that layer panel, and you are done.
As we are going to work on the skin, we have to isolate it from other parts so that the changes we do only affect the skin tones. To select the skin, go to the Select menu from the top and click on it. A dropdown menu will appear from there, click on the Color Range option.
After clicking on the color range option, a small window will pop up. From the Selection section, select the skin tone option to get the selection specifically for the skin tone. From the selection preview at the bottom, go for the White Matte option to make the selection white and more visible.
Now that we have selected our skin, if you zoom in, then you will see the edges are not looking so natural. So we have to refine the edges to make them look natural and also make the edges blend easily.
As we are using the latest adobe Photoshop cc, then the refine edge option will be hidden, and to find that, we have to click on the Select menu from the top. A dropdown menu will appear, and from there, we will choose the Select and Mask option by holding the Shift button from the keyboard.
The refined edge window will pop up, and from there, we can change the smoothness, radius, feather, contrast using the sliders. The settings may vary from image to image, so for the images that you guys will work on, play with the settings a bit and find the perfect match for you.
Selecting the skin tone that we want to fix now, it’s time for the Color adjustment that we need to achieve what we want. If you want to get a professional natural like cool skin tone, then we have to use these three tools given below.
No matter what skin tone you want to fix, these three tools are the key settings that we need to play with.
Go to the adjustment option in the layer panel right beside the properties you will find it, and if you click on it, you will get those three tools along with a few more tools that are being used for other purposes. It doesn’t matter whether you want a warm skin tone or a light skin tone colors go to the Adjustment and select these three tools one by one and tweak until you get your result.
Control the skin tone brightness because if you want to get a balanced skin smoothing the brightness must be perfect.
For better correction using Hue and Saturation plays a more vital role than any other settings.
In this step we will do some final touch ups because if we zoom in to the image we will see some of the corners missed out from the changes we made till now. To make them right we just need to select the exposure layer and select the brush tool by selecting the color white.
Now zoom in the area that was left out and paint the brush over it and the area will get the same skin tones like the others
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Balanced color makes images look stunning and impressive but when you missed out doing appropriate color correction for your images it lacks behind your competitor. Balancing every color of your image while shooting it is a tough challenge to overcome and may somewhat it would be impossible to do so as well.
In post processing we can achieve the professional outcome to change color in Photoshop. So whenever you go to change color of image, use professional help who has enough experience like we do.
Photoshop change color of object is not a modern technique, but with the new updated adobe Photoshop cc the process becomes much easier to do than before.
It’s a tricky question because Photoshop color correction service means making the images more colorful and impressive that they stand out in the crowd very easily. So we always might require using this technique but it’s not totally true.
When you are going to capture a life-like image or do wildlife photography then it is very rare you would require to change background color Photoshop. So in these types of photography color correction is less used. Landscape photography sometimes demands change background color Photoshop so then you can’t deny or avoid it either.
You can use the color replacement tool Photoshop if you are an expert and want to edit on your own. But if you have a bulk amount of files then going for professional help might be a good idea. Above i tried to teach you how to change color in Photoshop where i have shown three scenarios where you might require changing color.
I have compiled these Photoshop tutorials in the simplest way possible so that even the beginners can learn from this and can change color of image in Photoshop without any hassle. I would suggest you not to skip any step if you want to be an expert on changing the color of an image.
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